the ship

Meet our partners

One Ocean Expedition is made possible thanks to the collaboration with our dedicated partners.

One Ocean Partners

Logo The UN Decade For Ocean Sciences (2021-2030)Logo The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign AffairsLogo The Institute of Marine Researchlogo UiT The Arctic University of Norwaylogo universitetet i Stavanger logo ESA European Space Agency Logo NorceLogo Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centerlogo Bjerknessenteret Logo The Norwegian Meteorological InstituteLogo Helse Bergen Logo The city of Bergen Logo Vestland County CouncilLogo Bergen AquariumLogo Bergens Rederiforeing Logo GACLogo KongsbergLogo Norwegian Hull Club Logo PWC Logo Selle and partnersLogo SkuldLogo Telenor Maritimelogo GC Rieber FoundationLogo The Neptun Foundation

One Ocean Assosiated Partners

logo Washington Maritime BlueLogo Maritime BergenLogo The Norwegian Ministry of Education and ResearchLogo The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesLogo Scary weatherLogo SkiftLogo The UNI FoundationLogo Visit Bergen Logo The Rafto Foundation for Human RightsLogo Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry
One Ocean logo
UN logos

The One Ocean Expedition 2025-2026 is a 12-month voyage aboard the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl, aimed at raising awareness and sharing knowledge about the crucial importance of the ocean for a sustainable future on a global scale.

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