UN logos

Møt partnerne våre

One Ocean Expedition er mulig fordi vi har solide og dedikerte partnere.


Logo The UN Decade For Ocean Sciences (2021-2030)Logo The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign AffairsLogo The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesLogo The Norwegian Ministry of Education and ResearchLogo The University of Bergen Logo The Institute of Marine ResearchLogo The city of Bergen Logo Vestland County CouncilLogo NorceLogo Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing CenterLogo Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research Logo The Norwegian Polar Research InstituteLogo The Norwegian Meteorological InstituteLogo The Norwegian Institute for Water ResearchLogo Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Logo Helse Bergen Logo Bergen AquariumLogo The Royal Norwegian Naval AcademyLogo UnicefLogo Seilskipet Statsraad Lehmkuhls VennerLogo The Grieg FoundationLogo The Neptun FoundationLogo The UNI Foundationlogo innovasjon norge Logo Scary weather

Kommersielle partnere

Logo Telenor MaritimeLogo KongsbergLogo GACLogo PWC Logo Selle and partnersLogo TV2Logo SkuldLogo Norwegian Hull ClubLogo Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry Logo Sparebanken VestLogo Wikborg ReinLogo Fana SparebankLogo FjordkraftLogo MowiLogo Bergens Rederiforeing


Logo RayvynLogo Visit Bergen Logo Maritime BergenLogo The Rafto Foundation for Human RightsEntrepreneurShipOne logologo UNDP Logo Skift
Statsraad Lehmkuhl

One Ocean Expedition

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Statsraad Lehmkuhl

Statsraad Lehmkuhl

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One Ocean logoUN logos

One Ocean Expedition er en jordomseiling av det norske seilskipet Statsraad Lehmkuhl. Vi har som mål å dele kunnskap om havets avgjørende rolle for en bærekraftig utvikling i et globalt perspektiv.

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